Sunday, September 19, 2010

KKN UGM UNIT 102 Kemujan-Karimunjawa :))

Actually, i wanna tell you all the stories i have had when i was doing my Student Community Development Service in Karimunjawa Islands for about two months. But, i think some photos would be easier to tell you how great the moment was. Here we go!

our room! did you know? it containing 5 people in one room!

me and mine, when we were on Indonesian Independence Ceremony :)

at Cemara Besar Island, with my team. Mricaners!

we called it "Ngobor Kepiting".

this is the most scenery i loved! and i called it 3D mountain :)

independence day in Karimunjawa!

this is me and some of my friends at Gon Bajak.
the pier where i usually spent my midnight with fishing.

this is Asep! one of my best friend there..he is very kind and a helpful person. he always help me in everything if i was on affliction.

and this child named Rifky, people call him Kiki. i have a crush on him! :) hehee..

have fun in Cemara Kecil Island.

the Great KMP Muria..the main entry point in Karimunjawa..

me with some of student of SDN 05 Kemujan and SDN 03 Kemujan.

the full team of Raynor Javas! at the day without programs :)

last but not least, the Mricaners team! a random characters but full of Joyness..

so, that's some of my stories.
i would be very happy if all of you would come to Karimunjawa,

so, here i introduce my new hometown : Kemujan-Karimunjawa :)
visit Karimun,ya!

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